2 Hot 2 Cold Campaign

As you know, summer temperatures can make the plane go from uncomfortable to unsafe very quickly. These drastic temperatures only get worse when you add the body heat of 186+ people. The health and safety of crew and passengers is at risk and we must step up to tell not only the company, but also the FAA, that enough is enough! We are beginning our "Too Hot Too Cold" campaign again and we need your help! We need everyone to download the "2hot2cold" app to report extreme temperatures to AFA International. They compile the information and track unsafe conditions.
When you step onto the aircraft, if the temperature exceeds 85 degrees, take a picture and post it on the F9 related social media outlets with the hashtags #TooHotTooCold and #TooHotInVegas. Also email the picture(s) to [email protected]. We will compile the information and take it to the company. We want to bring awareness that many of our planes are too hot and not safe. The company needs to repair the APUs!
Beginning on September 1, you will find more information in the pamphlet pictured below that will be available in the crew room along with thermometers and fans. These are the same fans we gave out last year, so if you still have yours, please do not take another one. We have a limited supply. Thanks for your help. This campaign will run from September 1st-30th. Please help us collect the data to make a case for improving our work environment.
We must advocate for our health and safety and cannot allow ourselves to be pressured into working in unhealthy conditions.