Q&A: Who is eligible to vote?

All active AFA Members in good standing (dues current, active AFA Member) are eligible to vote. Members ineligible due to non-payment of dues will be notified when attempting to vote and directed to the AFA Membership Department to become current in order to vote.
Inactive Members (Unpaid Leaves of Absence of more than 3 months, etc.) may choose to “leave and remain active” to continue payment of dues during the leave in order to be eligible to vote. Contact the AFA Ballot Help Line at (844) 232-2228, extension 2, to complete the process to “leave and remain active.”
Example 1: A Flight Attendant is on an unpaid leave as of 07/01/2024. Their 3 month dues obligation is July, August, September. This person is eligible to vote without any issues.
Example 2: A Flight Attendant is on an unpaid leave of absence as of 02/01/2024. Their 3 month dues obligation is February, March, and April. This person is not eligible to vote unless they contact Membership Services to notify them of your request to “leave and remain active,” and pay their dues through and including September 2024. [AFA C&B Article II C.1.b(3)].