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Why Would I Contact This Committee?

The Scheduling Committee is available to help you with:

  • Questions about how pairings are constructed
  • Comments and feedback about pairings and suggestions for future pairings

Bidding Assistance

[email protected]

Live Bid Help September 11 th from 10:00 to 14:00.
Virtual assistance available by clicking the link:

[email protected]

Live Bid Help September 6 th from 11:00 to 15:00.
Virtual assistance available by clicking the link:

[email protected]

Please email for assistance or to set up a virtual appointment.

[email protected]

Please email for assistance or to set up a virtual appointment.

[email protected]

Virtual Bid help will be available. Please email to set up an appointment.

[email protected]

Live Bid Help September 7 th from 11:00 to 15:00.
Virtual Bid help will be available. Please email to set up an appointment.

[email protected]

Live Bid Help September 6 th from 13:00 to 16:00.
Virtual Bid Help will be available. Please email to set up an appointment.

[email protected]

Please use link to schedule an appointment.

[email protected]

PHL: Live Bid Help will be September 8 th from 09:00 to 12:00
Virtual Bid Help September 9 th from 09:00 to 12:00
Virtual Bid Help September 10 th from 12:00 to 14:00
Reserve a time slot using the following link (Bidding Assistance Appointment Request
Please email if you have questions or to set up an appointment.

[email protected]
Live Bid Help September 6 th from 14:00 to 17:00
Virtual Bid Help September 9 th from 09:00 to 12:00
Virtual Bid Help September 10 th from 12:00 to 14:00
Reserve a time slot using the following link (Bidding Assistance Appointment Request
Please email if you have questions or to set up an appointment.

[email protected]

Please email questions or to set up a virtual appointment.

[email protected]

Live Bid Help September 10 th from 11:00 to 16:00.
Live Bid Help September 11 th from 08:00 to 13:00
Please email questions or to set up a virtual appointment.

[email protected]

Please email questions or to set up a virtual appointment.

Specific Duties & Responsibilities

Assist/teach bidding during crew room sits. 

Assist/teach bidding via emails sent to the Committee 

Assist/Research Bidding results questions (after bids post) 

Assist/research Scheduling Grievances 

Review Preliminary Pairings and provide feedback based on the current bid packets as well as the preliminary monthly report (usually between the 19 and 23rd of each month) 

Attend pairing review meeting if available (1 LEC Chairperson per month may join) 

Gather and track pairings and bidding trends as necessary  

Scheduling Committee LEC Chairs are pre-blocked for the 11th and 12th of each month on their schedules. Committee members that assist with crew room sits/emails will be blocked for the day of their monthly crew room sit. ASC dates are 5-hours of credit and are always pre awarded. All ASC dates are paid by the company and do not come from union budgets. LEC Chairs meet on the 12th of the month every other month throughout the year.

Management meetings are on the 12th every other month and are attended by the MEC Chairperson. You can expect to “work” anywhere from 10 to 20 (or more) hours each month. This is for email responses to bidding questions, results questions, or grievances.

This is on your own schedule and from your home. 

Duties & Responsibilities

Act in an advisory role to the LEC Officers regarding scheduling issues

Actively gather information and engage Flight Attendants in discussion to determine their suggestions for future pairings. 

   Keep records of such discussions in order to be responsive to the needs and wants of the members.

Establish history of schedules. 

   Retain monthly schedules, bid awards, staffing numbers, total monthly hours, reserve ratios, and other pertinent information thus building documentation for potential grievances.

Provide Flight Attendant input to Crew Planning during the pairing construction process. 

Ensure the best possible balance of pairing types to represent the needs and wants of the members.

Represent the unique needs of the domiciles with Crew Planning

Answer Flight Attendant questions regarding the pairing and line construction process

Discuss any scheduling problems or concerns with management

Actively monitor management to ensure that established rules and procedures are complied with and that the collective bargaining agreement is not violated. Immediately report any violations or suspected violations to the LEC President.

Actively communicate information of interest to the Flight Attendants. Provide a summary of current staffing and scheduling information to the Communications Committee for inclusion in Local Council communications.

Scheduling Committee Expectations 

A thorough understanding of SABRE (the bidding software, including RSV) 

A thorough understand of FLICA (the schedule software) 

A thorough understanding of the AFA Contract – Scheduling, Reserve, Vacation, etc. 

A windows-based PC/ Union issued PC(the bid run software Is NOT compatible with MAC.) 

Ability to access Local Council Scheduling Software 

Availability between the 6th and 15th of each month for email assistance, crew room sits, bid runs, results, tickets and/or meetings (via conference call if necessary)