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2022 AFA Frontier MEC Summit

2022 Summit Recap


Your Master Executive Council (MEC) and all six Local Executive Councils (LEC) joined together on September 27th & 28th in Denver CO for our first Summit. We had 2 full days to learn, strategize and connect.   

On day one we started with a report from the MECP, followed by an overview of a multi council structure and communication.  We highlighted the website, grievances, and a breakdown of the ticketing system.  We also facilitated a special MEC vote for a resolution to present to the AFA Executive Board to form ATL as a new Council.  It was unanimously passed by the MEC and again by the AFA Executive Board.   Council 81, ATL, will be an active council starting December 1st, 2022. 

On day two we started each LEC having a meeting which consisted of LEC Officers and LEC Committee Chairs.  We followed with MEC/LEC Committee meetings where MEC Chairs were able to share issues during the MEC meeting that their committees were experiencing systemwide.  We ended day two with our monthly MEC meetings.     

The Summit created a wonderful opportunity for everyone to meet in person along with connecting with other Councils to build relationships and understand the importance of solidarity.